Fantasy book cover commission

My first fantasy book cover of 2022

I got talking to L.A. Thompson at the end of 2021 with a view to work with her at the beginning of the new year. Anyone who has worked with me knows how excited I get about working on a new fantasy setting. This one, epic in both narrative scale and geographical locations immediately came to life in my head.

Design choices

L.A. Thompson told me about the scene, how there was a mountain that a boy-prince was trying to climb, to talk to some mysterious witches. I wanted to use the rolling mist over the mountains to give the element of mystique and uncertainty the book encompasses. I used little glowing fires to give the reader a visual anchor to see where our main character was looking. I wanted the colours to look bleak but inspiring, so using rolling clouds with a sickly sunset, gave it that real fantasy vibe.

The dark mountains worked really well punching up through the bright light, contrasting the far background. I particularly like the shards of rock sticking up through the mist in the midground, it gives a really satisfying sense of depth.

epic fantasy book cover

If you want to work with me on your fantasy book cover or illustration

Just drop me a line! I’ve worked illustrating fantasy books for over a decade. There’s nothing more I like more than worldbuilding, and bringing a setting to life through my artwork.

I work with authors who have very accurate visions of their setting, and many who like to let me roam in creative freedom within their story. Either way presents satisfying challenges and different results every time.

You can drop me an email to or fill in one of my online forms.

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