Dystopian futures book cover: If I Let You Go

Dystopian Futures

One of my favourite genres, but one I’ve rarely worked in. I’ve always loved videogames, films and books in the “post-apocalyptic” or dystopian future. There’s something morbidly fascinating about the idea of man being back to basics. The book, and film The Road (Cormac McCarthy) had me gripped throughout both experiences, I’ve loved the faux post war feeling of the Fallout series of Videogames and like many gamers it really fueled my interest in diversifying my music collection.


Ashley Dufault

When author Ashley Dufault approached me to illustrate her cover and I read the brief I jumped at the chance. I immediately had the finished cover in my mind, and the colour palette was right at the forefront.


We began with some symmetrical faces, portraying the raw emotion within the book. I simply love the title “If I Let You Go” sounds so cinematic! It summons so many questions and really leads the reader (and artist) on a ‘what’s going to happen?’ journey. I almost couldn’t wait to get out of greyscale when I was painting. Usually I like to try and stay in it for as long as possible to work out the details, but the desperate blue colour palette was pulling me in! With such a certain foundation, the rest was really satisfying, just adding colour accents to different features in the image.


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