With a strong start and a strong finish, Hero Master exceeded all expectations.
We have succeeded in our quest!
Well done everyone! What a great way to finish strong. The last 12 hours I was glued to my screen, hammering out graphics and updates as we pushed past different goals. It was awesome to have you guys there with me.
Our final count hit well over 1,000 backers which (secretly) was personal goal of mine. I am really proud of everything we’ve achieved. In summary the core game now includes:
- 5 Races and 5 Classes totalling 80 cards
- 44 Treasure cards
- 18 Location cards
- 10 Critical Fail cards
- 4 Protest cards
- 15 Monster cards, 7 Boss cards and 1 Legendary Monster card
That’s a total of 179 cards!
- 6 Neoprene play mats (5 player mats, and one main game mat)
- 2 D20 Dice
- Tokens
We unlocked a total of 20 stretch goals and got incredibly close to the last few stretch goals. What an incredible journey. Thanks to everyone for pulling together and getting the word out there by sharing the campaign and increasing pledges.
What about those final stretch goals?
Campaign rules
In all honesty, I made more stretch goals than I thought would be unlocked as I wanted us to pull together at the end of the campaign and push to achieve everything we could, with the remainder to be incorporated into an expansion down the line.
Although I’m in love with the idea of being able to play a campaign in Snoozehaven, I was adamant I wanted to maximise value of the end product during the campaign so I bumped the neoprene mats and the fifth player expansion earlier in the stretch goal plan.
The campaign mode will be much more significant when it comes to the planned Hero Master expansions released in future. So I figured; if we missed it, then I’d just go ahead and add it into the first expansion.
However… we came so close, even in the last few hours I thought “we might do this!” I was willing it to happen. I did updates, I tripled the Facebook marketing budget, and adjusted social goals to help us get there, however it was you guys pushing and pushing that got us so close. For that reason, the past few days I’ve been talking to my manufacturer and I’d like to offer the campaign rules in with the core game rules as a thank you for all your support.
It will include a selection of scenarios for use with the cards in the core game to allow you to play through a campaign, ending with the hunt for Crackletooth’s lair. Of course, you can still play this as a standalone game. It also means when you pick up future expansions, regardless of the one you pick up you would be able to play it with the base game as you’ll have the rules available. So thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope this goes towards showing you how much I’ve appreciated your ongoing support.
Another bonus
Something I forgot to add into the details with the 5th Player Expansion is an extra Protest card. There needs to be one available for each player in the game as it’s possible that they would all draw one. To explain what I mean… picture this:
The worst, must dysfunctional adventurers in the land are hoping to bag themselves some loot. They’re all desperate to make enough to leave the group and go find a better party. When they don’t feel like it’s going their way (have the least gold) they protest and draw a Protest card. What happens when everyone feels aggrieved that they aren’t ahead of the others? Everyone protests and draws a card. Thematically showing how whiny and awful you guys are…
So I’m adding one into the game… boom 180 cards.
The Snake Pit
The Snake Pit scenario was to be the first additional scenario with an extra legendary end boss. Sadly we didn’t hit the goal and I know some of you were sad that it was left on the table.
What I plan to do is to package this with the additional class and race we didn’t vote for as a bumper expansion pack, that would also include both the boosters all in one box in the pledge manager.
There’s a possibility of more content too but I’m discussing this with my manufacturer so watch this space!
Pledge Manager
The pledge manager is now open! If you’re a backer, jump in and grab everything you want. If you missed the campaign, now’s your chance to make sure you don’t miss out a second time! You can late pledge here:
Moving forward
I hope you’ve all enjoyed the campaign as much as I have. I’m so pleased with how it’s all played out, and I am looking forward to doing it all over sometime. Right now I’m going to knuckle down and focus on getting everything set up so I can get your games out to you and you can start bungling your way to failure.
Thanks again, you’ve given me such inspiration for more,
Jamie, The Noble Artist