I hope this helps
I offered this on Facebook asking folks to email me, and have been really pleased to see a huge flurry of requests. So much so I’m just going to post this up online here.
I’m not a doctor, I can’t help in that way, but I was trying to think of something I could offer in these times of crisis…To all the parents of bored kids on lockdown, or just the generally bored who are trapped in, hopefully this will kill an hour and feel a little therapeutic.
Here’s a download file for a printable colouring book I usually sell, but it’s free, because right now people need something to make them smile. Download the zip file free here
I’m going to draw more line art over the coming weeks and post it up here on my website, for parents to download and have something fresh to show the kids daily. I hope this will inspire a few people to offer things they can do too. Stay safe.
Edit: Check in on the homepage for the new printable art daily.
Thank you very much for the art book.