Board Game illustration for Battle Dentale
Bright Eye Games contacted me to create all the visuals for their new game, Battle Dentale. While I did the board game illustration work, I roped in long time collaborator, Big Gun Creative for the Graphic Design. I’m so pleased with the final aesthetic of the game. This little frog was a fun addition… All will be explained…

Working as a monster in an evil wizard’s dungeon isn’t easy. It’s dark, damp, and your boss has a habit of turning employees into frogs during annual performance reviews.
But perhaps the worst thing is the boredom. Sure, it’s exciting when the occasional hero stumbles past and you have a bit of a scuffle. However, most of the time you’re just hanging about watching mould grow on the walls.
Deep in the depths of Hoodez Dungeon, Toothache the Troll and Gumrot the Goblin became fed up of sitting around doing nothing. Borrowing the jaws of a nearby skeleton (asking politely first, of course) and some gems they found in a treasure chest, they invented a fun new game of teeth collecting which made the hours between battling adventurers just fly by.
In Battle Dentale, you play either Gumrot the Goblin or Toothache the Troll, competing to collect the best collection of teeth from a jawbone. Toothache favors the cleaner teeth because they’re shiny, while Gumrot likes the decaying ones as the smell reminds them of their mum. Winning requires strategy, efficient decision-making, and sometimes evil moves to sabotage your opponent! To win, gather a more highly valued collection of teeth than the other player.
You can find out more about Battle Dentale at Board Game Geek.
Battle Dentale’s board game artwork
I mentioned a frog… Battle Dentale is played in a dank dark dungeon, and the frogs that live there love nothing better than to watch a riveting game between Gumrot and Toothache. So when it came to adding some flavour illustrations, the little frog dude above was a welcome treat!

As for the troll and goblin themselves, Mark Cooke (Bright Eye Games) gave me some fantastic descriptions. Gumrot with is mum heart tattoo, and the lumbering troll, Toothache.
It’s a kid friendly game, a spin off from hugely successful CoraQuest, an adventure dungeon crawler lite game for kids. I wanted to make the characters fun and colourful, and not too scary, even though they are dungeon monsters!

The game revolves around extracting teeth from an old skull. To fit the wooden pieces in the jaws had to be made pretty accurately but it didn’t mean I couldn’t have some fun with the illustration. Big Gun Creative did a great job of getting it all aligned and game ready!

Graphic Design for board games
The gorgeous cards, titling, manual layout and other aesthetics outside of the illustration itself were done by the fantastic Big Gun Creative. I’ve worked with Kim over several projects now, and she’s smashed it every time!

If you need a graphic designer I can’t recommend Big Gun highly enough. It helps that I work in the same studio, which has been a great help in collaborating on Battle Dentale and the other projects we’ve worked on.
In their own words, Big Gun is “The home of knockout design.”
Find them here.
Hi I’m Jamie!
I work on fantasy and sci-fi maps for various clients from authors to game publishers. I have had some great clients working on both established IPs and new settings. I’m always interested in hearing about more projects I might be needed on, so feel free to drop me an email to info@thenobleartist.com

If you’re looking for a fantasy artist, feel free to snoop through my illustration portfolio or head straight over to contact me for work. You’ll find my email address and some handy forms which guide you through some of the starting info I’ll need to be able to quote for you. Typically I’m booked up a month ahead of time, but do drop me a line if you have anything time sensitive. Sometimes I’m able to move things around in a pinch. Hope to hear from you! In the meantime, stay informed of my new work and availability and sign up for the mailing list.