Many folks who visit this site, with a passion for fantasy will know the name World of Warcraft or WoW. I spent many years enjoying it, and recently my personal work has enjoyed a renaissance with a series of Warcraft inspired characters in the works.
I have already posted my orc portrait (or “Orctrait” as I like to refer to it) in a previous post. This time round I have a decided to do another character from the Horde faction in the World of Warcraft. This is the Undead Warlock. He’s pretty mean looking and the detail on his face was a lot of fun to render.
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Looking at the character design from within the game, this undead character looks a little different. This is a bit of a homage to the opening credits of the original game, where a very gnarled looking undead warlock is casting spells and summoning demons!
I’m really enjoying the reaction these are getting in various Facebook groups so I will likely do some more. I love to share my work with folks and read their comments. I’ve never really done fan-art before but I’m told, and can now see that’s it’s a great way to get your work seen.