Hi everyone, I hope you’re keeping safe!
If you’re just joining us here at The Noble Artist, I’m Jamie, an independent book cover and board game artist from the UK. I like many others, have kids who are having to make sense of this crazy world situation, or even just the fact that they can’t see their friends for the foreseeable future.
So to help parents entertain their little ones, I’m drawing something quick for kids to print and colour in while at home. Please share this page on your social media so other parents can make the most of it too, the more kids who get to colour it the better (adults welcome too!). When sharing use the #NobleArtKids so I can find them!
My son has been talking about Yetis ever since he saw Everest in the film Abominable. So I’ve decided to draw my own yeti!
Right click on the image to “save picture” and print for your little ones.
If your kids finish quickly, why not get them to write a short story about the picture? I’d love to read them. Also please keep sending me your coloured in pictures! I love sharing them (with your permission). Please send any stories and colouring to info@thenobleartist.com