Hero Master: An Epic Game of Epic Fails is a humorous card game of dysfunctional dungeoneering.
As one of Snoozehaven’s worst adventurers you’ll be squabbling over the right to be the Party Leader, avoiding the “take-that” of the bungling buffoons around you and trying to get enough gold to leave behind your failure-fraught-fellowship. You’ll have to manage both your hand and your expectations… you guys really are terrible.
Once players have created their characters by combining a deck of race and class cards, Hero Master: An Epic Game of Epic Fails is played in a series of encounters that take place in various locations during the heroes’ adventure.
In each of these encounters, the players will make tough choices managing their limited hand in each location. They will need to decide the optimal card to use in each situation, with several things to think about: successfully defeating the monster, tripping up their rival party members, or usurping the current Party Leader so they get to act first and boss their fellow heroes around. Find out more here.
Hero Master games and supplements are available from Asmodee UK, Canada, Nordics, Blackfire EU, and Spiral Galaxy distribution.
Prices below are from direct sales from The Noble Artist.
Please send order forms and any questions to info@thenobleartist.com. Orders will be followed by an invoice sent via email.
Hero Master: An Epic Game of Epic Fails – Core game: Purchase price £17.49 / RRP £34.99

- five races and five classes (including stretch goal: added race and class, 5th player)
- 180 cards (including stretch goal: additional 34 cards)
- 6 neoprene play mats (including stretch goal: upgraded from card mats)
- 2 D20 dice
- tokens
- 2 quick reference sheets (stretch goal)
- full colour manual (including thank you bonus: added campaign rules)
- 10 campaign cards (secret thank you bonus for campaign)
Hero Master: An Epic Game of Epic Fails – Core game: Purchase price £14.49 / RRP £29.99
- Hobgoblins & Bandits booster pack
- Monstrous Heroes booster pack
- New character class: Paladin
- New character class: Bard
- New character race: Half-Elf
- Snake Pit dungeon pack
Hero Master: An Epic Game of Epic Fails – Core game: Purchase price £4.49 / RRP £8.99